The Best Way To Keep Your Dog Kennel Cool

Having an outside dog kennel and run can be quite stressful in the hot blazing days of Summer. First, you need to start by having your dog kennel located in a nice shaded area. It is a good idea to cover the top of your dog kennel with a tarp to make sure the sun is not beaming down on your dog.

Having the sides of the kennel made of open fencing will allow fresh air to flow freely throughout the kennel. Always keep fresh, cool water available for you dog at all times. This will help your dog to enjoy being in his kennel much easier.

Materials Needed to Build a Dog Kennel

The material needed for a dog kennel may be as simple as a couple of different things or be more elaborate and require extra items. Consider your dog’s specific needs.

In areas that receive full sun, it may even be illegal NOT to have a place for your dog to retreat and stay cool, so some sort of roofing material will be needed.

The size and activity level of your pet will make a difference in the size and strength of the materials you buy for constructing a kennel.

For the most part, fencing of some sort, posts, gravel or cement, a gate and some type of roofing material are the general ingredients necessary for building a kennel for your dog.

Outdoor Dog Kennel Ideas

To build an outdoor dog kennel, you must first choose the location. For your dog’s comfort and safety, select a shaded area that is protected from wind, rain and snow. If your dog is a digger, also be sure to select an area where she will not disturb power lines or pipes, and consider installing a high density plastic dog kennel floor to hinder her digging efforts.

Select flooring that will be comfortable and safe for your dog and convenient for you. This means that you will want to choose flooring that is easy to clean, has no sharp pieces, is easy on the pads of your dog’s feet and does not retain moisture. Concrete, gravel, grass and interlocking plastic flooring are all popular options.

Instant Dog Kennel Flooring

Selecting the right flooring for your dog kennel is important for your dog’s safety, health and comfort. While there are several options available, if your dog is a digger or you want an instant dog kennel floor with minimal work, you may want to consider high-density plastic flooring, often called modular dog kennel flooring. High density plastic flooring for your dog kennel comes in easy to assemble, ultra-durable sections that interlock for stability. This type of flooring is easy to clean, sets your kennel floor slightly above ground level, is completely portable and can be used on any surface that is basically flat.

This dog kennel flooring is comfortable and safe for your dog, and convenient and allows for easy cleaning for you.

Cement Dog Run Flooring

An Alternative To Cement Dog Run Flooring
Cement is a well-liked dog run flooring material that is easy to keep clean and disinfected; although, I do not like this number-one choice in dog run flooring at all. From the dogs’ point of view, this material is very uncomfortable to sit and lie on, and it is not a part of the natural environment that I believe that the dogs enjoy touching. There is a lot to be said about the smells and feel of the real ground to a housedog.

It is more work, but I totally believe in giving my dogs a natural environment to romp and play on while they are outside enjoying their dog run exercise periods. The dog has such a sensitive nose. It is impossible for me to believe that they just want to look through the fence at the grass without being able to inhale its fragrance while touching it.

My dogs do not seem to want to dig out of their pen while my flooring keeps changing. I buy flats of cheap ground covers from the nursery, and simply change their grass every couple of months.