How Long to Crate Train a Puppy

It's hard to give an exact timing on how long it takes to crate train a puppy so that they only eliminate outside. From experience, I have not had much trouble crate training puppies, though I have made sure that I am home at first all the time with them so that I can take them outside often throughout the day.

Not only do you need to take them outside every couple of hours during the day, but you also need to watch for signs when they're out of their crate, playing around and take them out if they show signs of wanting to go. Typically, if you see a pup with his nose down on the ground sniffing around, or starting to turn around in circles, jump up with a loud "no" to startle him, and take him outside right away.

You should also always take your pup outside whenever he wakes up after a nap, and around twenty minutes after eating, regardless of whether it has been two hours since he last went.

After a few weeks our Golden Retriever was sleeping all through the night. We'd take her out once just before we went to bed (we're pretty late at going to bed most nights) and then first thing in the morning she'd usually wake us up whimpering, so we'd take her out then.

She actually only had a few accidents inside, and she never went inside her crate. The main thing with crate training is that you do your part and don't forget to take your dog out at the appointed time. If you do that, crate training is the easiest way to house train a pup.

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